
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

To Do

Ndwango (means "cloth") is a new form of bead art developed by a community of women living and working together in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The Ubuhle (means "beautiful") artists' community was established in 1999 by local resident Bev Gibson and master beader Ntombephi Ntombela [En-Tom-be-Fi En-tom-bell-la] to empower local women with the means to provide for their families through their art. The flat surface of the textile onto which the Ubuhle women bead is reminiscent of the Xhosa headscarves and skirts that many of them grew up wearing. Using black fabric as a canvas and different colored Czech glass beads as the medium of expression, the Ubuhle community has re-imagined the longstanding beading tradition as a contemporary art form. Twenty-nine works are featured, including The African Cruxifixion.
Ubuhle: pronounced Uh-Buk-lay in Xhosa (Ho-Sa)

From our Secretary is a suggestion for something to do:  go visit the Anacostia Community Museum. It's part of the Smithsonian and there's a shuttle bus from the Mall on weekends.  

This current exhibit is open until September 21st. 
Daily Hours
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed December 25th

1901 Fort Place SE
Washington, DC 20020