From Pat Correz, the GCC Chairman at National:
I've had a query to clarify the "workings" of the on-line and quarterly GCCs which can be registered through the EGA website or by sending the registration form and your check to EGA HQ.
Both on-line GCC registration, offered for 2 months, and the courses offered each quarter as advertised in Inside EGA, have a special registration period in which INDIVIDUALS can register for $20 registration fee plus cost of text for that limited time. This is not registration for a group, but an opportunity for the individual who doesn't have a group to take the course
at a very affordable price.
If you have a group of 9, it would be cheaper to register the group, divide the $150 by the members (remember, the coordinator doesn't pay a part of the registration fee) and register that way. If fewer, then the $20 is the best way.
This is not a "cyber-class". It is on-line. You use the text but can contact the teacher with
problems/questions, you will receive an evaluation if you submit the stitched piece to the
teacher, and a certificate if you meet the qualifications the teacher requires as stated in the text.
Let me know if you have questions.
Pat Correz
GCC Chairman
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